Sunday, January 4, 2015

It was a Dreary Night

It was a dreary sleepless nightthe night was a burden for me with lost spirits.
I was lonely and isolated in a cavern near a fruitless desert and pain was penetrating in a darkling deed
I thought,had spirit died Or I have been in the bars.Had some one helped me?
Nay,Nay..Iam away from greenery and almost away from my old Lagoon dreams
And inspiring village meadows
I was almost banned in the strange part of the world and shrilled against the dark
 the grim clouds floated in the skies, slowely I whispered with grudge:

Let me free from the shackles,I love to fly,

Let me free..Let me free from my shackles
I longer fly,fly.

Art poerty and Dreams

And dreams are ingrediants of a gentle youth
It has a flow, like the ebbing ocean weaves
to and fro...

Why Must I never Think Of You

Mind had no fear to grow,
Within me mysteries that glow
One another about the orgin
Made me mad for the man within
Still in the night,I had thoughts near
And far,near and within,far and near
And all godly queries had a reason
Like many a thought now mention