Sunday, April 19, 2015


Arthur Telling gives a brilliant philosophy through his work 'the steps’, which I read it presently. I like the theme of the book with his views against the pseudoscientific- culture of the present world. The author brilliantly smashing up against the present religious norms and the unreasonable acts of the humans by making up an idol which is falsely respected and believing to be the current protector of a natural DISORDER—yet false faces can do nothing in this world. In his view, he agrees there is a sea change for the universe, which we will see when a new world starts; there will be a change, which happens in the future. This transformation is neither a God or an external force nor an act of a godly force, but it happens in the physical, natural and chemical way. I really appreciate sir for your perception, for writing a book with far above the human thoughts. In addition, technically he speaks about the advanced methods using human consciousness and reality in this modern world to run against the cataclysm in which the world is going to face. The language is a bit pacey and quite innovative element for the new era.