Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Once Loved God

 Sing thou, muse that conquering my slender age
 Naked moments and flightless gloom
Dreams, ripened and lively own
From thee I fled unconstrained
when you hide from me
Solemnly then dwelt is my pathos  
When nights and days swept sullen
Below your heavens’- lodge my gained ecstasy

I met curiosity since I found the World and since then I could not use a filter upon me. I tried to talk what I saw the demonic things in Earth.Could any one cease it?
Physically and mentally for me, to hide from God was indeed a rescue from the Earthly worries. God could be a cause, which made me think so much beyond the reality and I admitted even I am pulled away from Godly thoughts, I found ecstasy in Earth to write and create Literature .

Urging Remedy: Only if Consiousness and perception are weapons you self created:

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“Here is the World, where the emotions cold, the desire become unreal, fancy leads the role, thoughts wake words to speak of the loss, wor...